Friday, April 10, 2009

Third Tut ~*A Kiss From The Stars*~No Scrapkit

For this tutorial you will need a working knowledge of PSP and Animation Shop. If I explain this properly, hopefully it will be an easy tut! I use PSP 9.

Supplies: One of the very cute tubes from Suzanne Woolcott here . I'd say one of the most popular artists around!
Some clouds and stars, I found mine in my extras folder, so if they're yours, please let me know so I can give credit.
Alien Skin Xenofex2~constellation
Mask~Chat%2D%Mask 202, I don't know who this belongs to but if you do recognise it, please let me know so I can give credit.
Fonts of Choice: VTKS Dear Love and Pixelette

Now before we start remember that this tut is only a guide, your imagination and talent will make this tag your own!

Open a New Layer 500X500 background black New layer colour of choice to match your tube
Go to Layers-Load/Save Mask-load mask from disk, choose your mask Source luminance-fit to canvas -invert transparency ticked-hide all mask-then load. Back to layers-merge-merge group. I added the copyrights to my mask layer.
On your background layer add some stars and clouds and then place your tube in amongst the clouds.
Now X out your Tube, cloud layers and your mask layer and merge your background and stars together, Layers-Merge-Merge Visible.
Duplicate this merged layer twice, for a total of 3 layers and rename them, Merge1, Merge2 and Merge3. X out Merge2 and 3.
Make sure you have highlighted the Merge1 layer.
Go to Effects-Plugins-Xenofex-Constellation
Settings I used are:
0.85-50-50-25-50-75-45 Keep Original Image selected Random Seed1
Copy merged into AS
X out Merge1 and go to Merge2.
Back to Constellation and hit the random seed button once.
Copy merged into AS And paste after current frame.
X out Merge2 and go to Merge3.
Back to Constellation and hit the random seed button once.
Copy merged into AS and paste after current frame.
View your animation and then save as a gif!
Add names the way you normally would to an animation, I know everyone has a different method of doing this.
Or you can add your name when you add the copyrights.

Thank you for trying out my third tut any similiarities to any other tuts is by coincidence only or great minds think
If you'd like to show off your tag email me I'd love to see what you've created.

Written and created by JustJo63 30th March 2009

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