Thursday, April 16, 2009

While Beauty Sleeps~FTU

For this tutorial you will need a working knowledge of PSP. I use PSP 9.

Supplies: I have used a gorgeous scrapkit from Juicy Bits here
Thank you for so many wonderful shares!
Tube of Choice: I am using a beautiful tube from Maxine Gadd which you will need a licence to use. Those tubes are sold here

Mask of Choice: I am using one of the many I've collected over the years. If you recognise it please let me know so I can give proper credit for it.
Thank you all for sharing your talent with us!
Fonts of Choice: Monotype Corsiva and Pixelette

Now before we start remember that this tut is only a guide, your imagination and talent will make this tag your own!

Open a New Layer 650x650 white or depending on your forum you may choose to x out the background and we will resize later.
Choose a paper, I used paper 9 and copy and paste that as a new layer.
Go to Layers-Load/Save Mask-load mask from disk, choose your mask.

I then added frame 4. With your tube of choice copy and paste. Now click inside your frame,
modify-expand by 8 Invert and then hit delete and make sure you are on the tube layer when you do this. Move your tube below the frame layer.

Add your embellishments of choice. I added the journal tag and mirrored it, resized it and made it look as if she was holding it by erasing certain parts.

I now resize my tag to about 585x585 and then add copyrights. Add your name and x out the background if you wish and save as a PNG or a JPEG and you are done!!

Thank you for trying out my tut any similiarities to any other tuts is by coincidence only or great minds think
If you'd like to show off your tag email me I'd love to see what you've created.

Written and created by JustJo63 15th April 2009

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